The Davie Family History by Dorothy Swanson

Katherine Moira Goodall (née Davie), continued

Moira met Bill Goodall (she and her family always called him Billy, as did his own mother) in her last year at school, her first real boyfriend, and they spent five happy years of courtship, saving for a home but also enjoying their various activities of tennis for her and football and cricket for him, as well as shared visits to Saddlers Wells Theatre for plays and operas. Locally, their social life centred on the Ilford Scottish Association of which both the Goodall and Davie families were members and of which Moira's father was President in 1924.

When World War II was declared, only five months after Moira and Billy were married, they moved to Liverpool where Bill was directed for war work. When, although in a reserved occupation, Bill volunteered for training as RAF aircrew, Moira joined the ATS, was commissioned and served as Officer-in-Charge of women members of an Ack-Ack Unit, managing searchlights and anti-aircraft guns, fending off German planes heading for London to drop their bombs. She spent an anxious six months [this was actually one month - see Dad's own War Diaries, Ed] when Bill was posted as missing when his plane was shot down in 1943, but relieved although still anxious, when news came through that he was a prisoner of war.

When the war ended, Moira achieved her ambition since childhood, to be a wife, mother and housewife. Her happiest years were spent in this role, when the family moved to Islay, in the Inner Hebridean Islands, and which they only left for a home in Fife in order to provide their children, Ian and Moira, with better educational opportunities.


© 2000 Dorothy Swanson & Ian William Goodall 
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